Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mrs. Reevesfire Italian Style

Why would Keanu Reeves, widely known and celebrated for his dramatic roles, choose a children's comedy as the follow up to his Oscar winning portrayal of composer Antonio Salieri? Because this isn't the retarded Robin Williams film where a coke addicted comedian frequently confused with the missing evolutionary link between man and beast dresses as a woman and steals his wife back from James Bond. Admittedly, when you right it like that it does sound pretty good. But I digress.

This version of Mrs. Doubtfire from Italian director Cristo Columbuso (Mamma, Ho Riperso L'Aereo) is a masterful display of horror and Oedipal love. After the death of his mother, Daniel Hillard (Keanu Reeves) invents the persona Euphegenia Doubtfire in a psychotic attempt to cope with his loss. In an interview prior to the films release Columbuso referenced Hitchcock as one of his inspirations in making the film, "Hitchcock once explained the difference between surprise and suspense the following way. A bomb is under a table. It explodes. That is surprise. A bomb is under a table, the audience knows it's there but the characters don't. That's suspense. In this film I've replaced the table with a dress and the bomb with Keanu Reeves' penis. But the principles are the same."

And I'm not ashamed to admit it, seeing Keanu in a dress was the most arousing experience of my life.

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