Sunday, November 29, 2009

We Skipped Thanksgiving Because We're Thankful For Keanu Everyday

Alright, I know Keanu Reeves wasn't actually in this movie but I outsourced the idea that Keanu Reeves WAS in The Air Up There to India and using the many arms of Vishnu along with some bizarre ritual called 'fotoshoppe' several hundred villagers produced the above image. And my god, it was well worth holding their Sankara Stones hostage to imagine what a film this could have been.

But no, Kevin Fucking Bacon. Kevin Shithead Pork Chops. Kevin Eat A Dick Ham Sandwich had to star in it. I'm so angry I'm just going to write about Indiana Jones more.

Did you know the nation of India refused to allow Temple of Doom to be filmed in India because they found the script racist? If someone depicted my ethnicity as possessing the ability to rip peoples hearts out of their chest with our bare hands I think I'd be pretty cool with it. But maybe it was the cultish ignorance, wide spread famine and pestilence and general corruption they found troubling? Hard to say. At least Kevin Bacon wasn't in it, think about that one India!


  1. I thought temple of doom was a documentary. Are you telling me it was just a story?

  2. The Keanu Reeves Shake and Bake....

  3. I don't know who you are UGS but anyone that can pull out an Air Up There reference is the single greatest person ever born. I can only assume you are Keanu Reeves.
